Puzzle Game

Solo Project, Puzzle Design

A one week solo project I built as a prototype for a larger puzzle game concept I hope to build out in the future. The core mechanic color manipulation is centered around the combination and division of primary colors. Color manipulation is both a means of exploration and puzzle solving all built into one.

By adding and dividing colors players are able to manipulate which components can be active at a time for instance if a player has green they can divide it into blue and yellow which might allow them to go through a teleporter that required blue to traverse. This process enables puzzles and expiration to be facilitated through the same mechanic.

Colors are carried by the player and can be brought to terminals to combine and divide colors. By mixing the sequences in which players must mix and divide colors the colors are both the means of exploration and traversal. For instance a player may use a color to activate a teleporter but while the teleporter is active they can’t use the color for any other purpose.


Puzzle Design

Puzzle 1 introduces moving colors, teleporting, and color combination.

Puzzle 3 builds off the players knowledge and challenges them to discover colors may also be divided.

Expanding upon the first puzzle/level puzzle 2 teaches the player exploration is required to find new colors.

Puzzle 4 incorporates all these concepts recapping what the player learned in a more nuanced sequence.